Community Transport Options in Upton upon Severn
If you have difficulty getting about, there are various community transport options available to help you. They all rely on the support of volunteers.
Worcestershire on Demand: Covering Upton upon Severn and surrounding areas including Hanley Castle, Hanley Swan, Welland and Kempsey. the demand responsive transport operates Monday to Saturday 7am to 7pm and offers an alternative to fixed route public transport services. Find out more www.worcestershire.gov.uk/WOD Or phone: 01905 846180 (office hours are between 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday).
Upton Community Care: This service provides lifts to doctors’ appointments and hospital appointments for anyone in Upton or the surrounding area. If you need to book a journey, call 01684 593633 between 9.30am – 11.30am or leave a message on their answerphone at other times. They ask for 25p per mile for bus pass holders and 40p per mile for everyone else.
CB3 bus service: This community bus service is operated by Community Action and Malvern Dial-a-Ride.
It operates daily from Tuesday – Friday starting at 10am including these main stops:
Barnards Green – Hanley Swan – Hanley Castle – Upton upon Severn – Welland – Malvern Wells – Great Malvern
There is a return journey starting at 12.15 and an additional later afternoon service by prior arrangement.
It is a ring and book service – please phone in advance to book your journey. For more information or to book your journey, please phone Community Action on 01684 892381. Lines open Monday to Thursday 9.00am – 3.30pm, Friday 9.00am until 12.30pm.
The CB3 timetable is available from the Town Council office – contact us and we will send you a copy.
Shoparound: This service is operated by Community Action and runs on Monday and Thursday mornings.
It is a door-to-door minibus service which visits most local shopping areas Worcester, Tewkesbury, Pershore and Evesham. During the year they occasionally offer outings e.g. Special Evening Christmas shopping in Worcester, countryside daffodil route with lunch, garden centres etc.
They can provide a friendly volunteer to help shop or to accompany their clients if required. The wheelchair accessible minibus can offer the use of a wheelchair (booking in advance required).
To help cover costs, a fare is charged. Please check the fare when you phone.
You must live within the following parishes to be eligible: Barnards Green, Callow End, Great Malvern, Guarlford, Madresfield, Malvern Link, Leigh Sinton, Malvern Wells, Newland, Poolbrook, Powick, Upton upon Severn, Welland, West Malvern; and either be a pensioner or registered disabled.
Please phone 01684 892381 to book a journey on the Shoparound. Lines open Monday to Thursday 9.00am – 3.30pm, Friday 9.00am until 12.30pm.
Bus timetables in Worcestershire - The link takes you to the WCC website. Upton is served by bus services 332, 333, 363, 365 and 481. Follow the link and click on Timetable Search. You can then put in the number of the bus service (you don't ned to fill in the Locality field) - scroll down the list to find the service that is local to you. The 'Detailed' link on the right gives all the stops along the route.
Community Transport Schemes in Worcestershire - Which details all the available schemes in the county.
General bus travel information for Worcestershire - Including bus passes, concessionary fares and school & college travel
Public Transport information for Gloucestershire - Find out about public transport options in nearby Gloucestershire
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